Monday, February 15, 2010

Online and Open for Business

As most of you know, along with being a terrific pilot, Trenity is also a Flight Instructor. But what most of you don't know is that he is also an online entrepreneur. He just started his very own online Flight Training website. We just launched Phase One a few days ago and are currently working on the next phase. It is a work in progress and will eventually host complete online ground school training courses to fully accompany any local flight training and count towards receiving a pilots license. Check us out at And wish us luck for a profitable venture!
Since we are on the subject of aviation, I thought I would add some more photos of what Trenity loves about his job!

How many of you would love to see this kind of view even once? Trenity took these at work one day. The other plane you see is his buddy Derrick who also flys with him on the tours. In fact Derrick was one of Trenity's first students when he worked for the flight school in Cedar City. We love seeing his own students suceed at getting jobs flying and loving it.

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